Russian PM Ok’s 2013-2030 Shipbuilding Industry Development Programme

Russian PM Ok's 2013-2030 Shipbuilding Industry Development Programme

Russian Government has approved the 2013-2030 Development of the Ship-Building Industry state programme. Funding within the programme is planned at over 600 billion roubles (approx $19.6 Bln), and more than 50% of it, or 330 billion roubles, is to be provided from the federal budget.

These funds will be allocated primarily for civilian shipbuilding and do not concern the focus areas in military shipbuilding under the federal targeted programme on the defence industry.

The approved programme is aimed at restoring Russia’s position in the global shipbuilding industry.

We must focus on high-tech domestic orders and renounce futile competition with China, Japan and South Korea, which are engaged in large-scale production of multi-service vessels, including carrier ships, with the exception of vessels for domestic waters. Therefore, we have determined our priority market niches in the programme – naval shipbuilding, the fishing fleet, production of hardware for the Northern Sea Route and development of the shelf, and river shipbuilding,” said Minister of Industry and Trade Mr. Denis Manturov.

Domestic shipbuilding has three clear-cut clusters – northwestern, far eastern and southern ones. Each of them plays its own role under the state programme.

The northwestern cluster historically has a substantial potential. However, its production capacities must be streamlined because the technical level of its enterprises is fairly uneven.

The southern cluster is actively forming special economic zones for shipbuilding.

The construction of Zvezda, a modern shipbuilding complex, is a priority in the far-eastern cluster.

Shipbuilding Tribune Staff, January 2, 2013