PIL Launches Second Far East-Middle East Service

Business & Finance

Containership operator Pacific International Lines (PIL) has teamed up with COSCON, Wan Hai and Yangming on a new joint service in the Far East – Middle East trade commencing from Pusan on 5 April 2015.

The new service, named CM2, will be PIL’s second Far East-Middle East loop with a total of 6 vessels of 5500 TEUs each.

“CM2 aims to complement our current China Middle East Service or “CMS” with enhanced port coverage, increased frequency and improved transit time for our customers,” PIL said.

The weekly CM2 service covers the following port rotation in 42 days:

Pusan-Qingdao-Ningbo-Kaohsiung-Shekou-Singapore-Jebel Ali-Penang- Singapore-Kaohsiung-Pusan.

PIL owns and operates a fleet of 156 vessels with a total capacity of about 364,000 TEUs.

Earlier this month the company announced that it has taken majority stake in Singapore’s Mariana Express Lines (MELL).