Pooja Peters from NOGEPA, YEOs Program-Coordinator, on a video call dzring Offshore Energy 2020

Young Energy Officers

Human Capital

Energy transition is not a fast and temporary thing, and its reach goes beyond the existing industries, their operations and transformations. Next generation of experts is working in the good old energy sector as it moves through the transition and to what it will become in the future.


The Young Energy Officers (YEO) is an initiative from the Dutch oil and gas sector to enable the young professionals in the sector to participate in the many discussions that are needed during the course of the energy transition. Using the knowledge and unique perspectives they have as the younger generation, they want to listen and discuss with the various stakeholders how we can best reach a CO2-neutral energy system in 2050.

Pooja Peters from NOGEPA, YEOs Program-Coordinator, touches up on the many energy transition aspects from the perspective of young professionals.

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