WSS: Better Air Quality Onboard

Wilhelmsen Ships Service (WSS) has launched a highly innovative but simple solution to assist shipowners in meeting one of the demands of MLC2006. The Duct Air Treatment, showcased for the first time at APM Singapore this week, is an anti-bacteria block which works within HVAC systems onboard vessels to stop the spread of invisible mould, bacteria and viruses.

Better Air Quality Onboard

Hilde Hvaal Durban, WSS product marketing manager for marine products says: “The block works by sterilizing and sanitizing the entire onboard air conditioning system, including both the air passing through the system and the air handling unit, ducts and diffusers. It is 100% natural with no maintenance or energy costs and is quick and easy to install, with no need for installation equipment or training”.

The cleanliness of onboard air conditioning systems is crucial to the health and well-being of passengers onboard ship and as such, makes up part of the MLC2006. According to Svenn Jacobsen, WSS Technical Product Manager Refrigeration, marine HVAC systems are ideal breeding grounds for bacteria, viruses and mould and as such, it is vital that they are well maintained.

He says: “All mould and yeast spores should be regarded as potentially allergenic. Repeated exposure to high concentrations of spores from any number of species can lead to crew sensitisation and in worst cases, acute and chronic health problems. Because the Duct Air Treatment facilitates fast and easy disinfection, it works to prevent the spread of disease onboard and improve air quality significantly.”


WSS, March 17, 2014