Haliade X 12 wind turbine

World’s largest wind turbine finds home in the Netherlands


In 2019 GE Renewable Energy announced that its Haliade-X 12 MW prototype, the world’s most powerful offshore wind turbine, located in Rotterdam-Maasvlakte, had successfully produced its first kWh.

Local teams proceeded with the testing phase, during which GE will perform different types of measurements to obtain a Type Certificate for the Haliade-X in 2020. One Haliade-X 12 MW turbine can generate up to 67 GWh* of gross annual energy production, provide enough clean energy to power 16,000* European households and save up to 42,000 metric tons of CO2, the equivalent of the emissions generated by 9,000 vehicles** in one year.

Haliade-X technology has been selected as the preferred wind turbine for the 120 MW Skip Jack and 1,100 MW Ocean Wind projects in the US, and the 3,600 MW Dogger Bank Offshore Wind Farm in the UK.

GE Renewable Energy

Technical Specifications

Haliade X 12 offshore wind turbine
Image credits: GE Renewable Energy – Haliade-X 12 MW Offshore wind turbine
  • 12 MW capacity
  • 220 meter rptpr
  • 107-meter long blades
  • 260 meters high
  • Generates 45 per cent more energy than most powerful wind turbine available today

Extra information

  1. * Based on wind conditions on a typical German North Sea site.
  2. ** According to EPA Greenhouse gas equivalencies calculator