WOC Holds Second ‘Sustainable Ocean Summit’ in Washington DC, USA

Business & Finance

WOC Holds Second 'Sustainable Ocean Summit' in Washington DC, USA

The World Ocean Council’s second “Sustainable Ocean Summit” (SOS) will be held December 3-5 in Washington D.C. to further advance leadership and collaboration among the diverse ocean business community in addressing marine environment and sustainability challenges.

The SOS is the only international, cross-sectoral ocean sustainability conference designed by and for the private sector. The 2012 event builds on the highly successful SOS 2010, held in Belfast, Northern Ireland, which drew together more than 150 representatives from a wide range of ocean industries.

“Companies and industry associations around the world are expressing strong interest in coordinated, international business leadership on cross-cutting ocean sustainability issues”, stated WOC Executive Director Paul Holthus. He further noted that many companies see the business value of collaboration that helps ensure continued access for responsible use of ocean space and resources.

The conference will address priorities for cross-sectoral industry leadership and collaboration in ocean sustainability, including: ocean policy, regulations and governance; marine spatial planning; the role of industries in ocean and climate observations; biofouling, biosecurity and invasive species; fisheries and aquaculture interaction with other industries; cross-sectoral collaboration in responsible use of the Arctic; sound and marine life; port waste reception facilities and marine debris; marine mammal interactions; the role of finance, insurance and legal sectors in ocean sustainability. Other cross-cutting topics critical to responsible industry operations in the marine environment will be developed as the program evolves. Limited opportunities are available for speakers to address the themes above. Experts interested in being considered as speakers are encouraged to contact the WOC.


Source: WOC, April 13, 2012