Wim Groenendijk Becomes GLE President, Belgium

Wim Groenendijk Becomes GLE President

The GLE members unanimously elected Wim Groenendijk, Vice-President International & Regulatory Affairs, N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie, as GLE President.

Wim Groenendijk has been a member of the ENTSOG Board during its first term (2010-2012) and has been a member of the GIE Board since 2011.

Upon his election, Wim Groenendijk said: “I am honoured to be entrusted the leadership of GLE and would like to thank the GLE members. I am confident that GLE will continue to provide added value to the market through the know-how and voluntary initiatives of its members. I am looking forward to my new tasks.

The election of Wim Groenendijk has coincided with decisions on further support of the European small scale LNG development.

GLE members agreed to develop a map showing the small scale LNG infrastructure in Europe.

The map will support the Clean Power for Transport package from the European Commission not only by showing existing small scale LNG infrastructure and projects but also by identifying missing links in the network.

In addition to the transport sector, the study shall support the development of the use of LNG in off pipeline locations.

The map shall be available by the end of 2013 and DNV (Det Norske Veritas BV) was awarded the contract.

Wim Groenendijk stated: “This map is a first initiative to enhance the visibility of the small scale LNG infrastructure network and development in Europe. European LNG terminal operators are excited about the opportunities of small scale LNG and will play their part in promoting its further development.”

LNG World News Staff, July 9, 2013; Image: GLE