Why safety matters: Because it’s all about people


In the challenging world of offshore labor, safety is more than a policy; it is a commitment to the individuals who face some of the worst conditions every day. From fierce weather and slippery surfaces to intricate evacuation routes, the challenges are immense. Here, the stakes are high, and the consequences of accidents can be severe. This fact emphasizes the need for safety solutions that go beyond simply meeting regulatory criteria; they must actively protect and support the workers who keep the business functioning. 

The offshore energy industry is distinguished by high-risk situations, where the need for stringent safety measures cannot be overstated. Accidents, particularly those involving slips, trips and falls, can result in serious injuries, operational interruptions, and significant financial costs. Therefore, safety solutions must be more than just a checkbox — they need to provide tangible protection, address specific hazards and ensure that every precaution is taken to prevent accidents.

Recent figures from the G+ Global Offshore Wind Health and Safety Organisation´s 2023 report emphasize the significance of rigorous safety measures. Last year, work hours increased by 39% to 61.9 million, indicating a larger staff and operational scale. Although the Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) decreased by 3% to 2.73, the Lost Time Injury Frequency (LTIF) increased by 3% to 1.07, and incidents soared by 94% to 1,679. These data represent both advancements and ongoing challenges, underscoring the necessity for improved safety protocols as offshore operations grow.

Addressing these issues effectively necessitates the knowledge of industry experts such as Real Safety and Blomsma Signs & Safety, which are setting market standards for workplace safety.

 Real Safety has been in the forefront in developing advanced anti-slip safety solutions designed to the special requirements of high-risk environments. Founded in 2007, our mission has always been to prevent accidents and improve worker safety by developing solutions that solve the most difficult conditions, thereby setting a higher standard for safety in the offshore energy sector and beyond. We are committed to developing solutions that reflect our belief that safety is ultimately about people.

Blomsma Signs & Safety complements this offering with its expertise in safety signage. Effective signage is essential for communicating key safety information and keeping workers aware about hazards, instructions, and evacuation routes. Blomsma strategic approach ensures that safety communication is clear and effective, which further improves workplace safety. This capability enables companies to meet regulatory obligations while enhancing their market reputation as safe, responsible operators.

Together, Real Safety´s anti-slip solutions and Blomsma Signs & Safety signage give a comprehensive safety mission that goes beyond workers protection; it creates market value by maintaining operational continuity, lowering liabilities and preserving company´s reputation. Our expertise guarantees that every aspect of workplace safety is addressed extensively, establishing a higher standard for the offshore energy sector and beyond. We believe that today´s changing industrial landscape, safety is more than just a regulatory mandate; it´s a responsibility to the people who drive our industries.  Worker safety is critical, particularly in high-risk areas such as offshore energy. Our commitment to safety demonstrates our regard for human life. We believe that investing in safety is investing in people, our most valuable asset.

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