West Hercules Under PSA Inspection for AoC

Business & Finance

West Hercules Under PSA Investigation (Norway)

On 27 February 2013, the Petroleum Safety Authority Norway (PSA) carried out an audit within risk and barrier management, technical safety, maintenance management, logistics, follow-up of terms stipulated in the AoC decision and winterisation on West Hercules.

The audit was a follow-up of previous audits in connection with issuance of an AoC for the rig.

The objective of the audit activity was to follow up risk and barrier management, technical safety, maintenance management, verify previous audit reports and NAD’s responses to these, logistics and to follow up terms stipulated in the AoC decision.

The PSA also followed up the winterisation project which consisted of verification within certain aspects of technical, operational and management-related conditions on the rig.

Nonconformities were identified in connection with:

– explosion study and winterisation

– labelling of equipment and components

– history of maintenance management system

– preservation of equipment

– blowout preventer and other pressure control equipment

– placement of equipment

Furthermore, improvement items were identified in connection with:

– risk and barrier management

– area classification

– batteries for emergency lighting

– fire detectors and a system for collection of minor oil leaks

– operational criteria for lifting equipment

– emergency number


Press Release, April 2, 2013