WES to form Advisory Group

Authorities & Government

Wave Energy Scotland (WES) is seeking expressions of interest from appropriately qualified and experienced industry representatives to join its independent Advisory Group.

The expressions of interest are sought from the representatives of industry, academia, investment and insurance communities that will support WES to identify research and development priorities.

Membership is not sought from wave device developers or the public sector.

It is intended that the Advisory Group will provide a commercial focus to the operation of WES, and support WES and Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) ensure that only those projects or collaborations which have a realistic prospect of delivering technology which can be commercially developed are taken forward, it is stated in the call for expressions of interest.

Recommendations on projects and collaborations to be pursued and supported by WES will be submitted to the Advisory Group for consideration and endorsement where appropriate.

The role of the Advisory Group is to provide an external, commercial focused review mechanism into this process.

Advisory Group will not be a decision making body but its views will be taken into consideration of overall assessment and decision making process, and it will support WES ensure that its objectives are met, according to HIE.

It is anticipated that the Advisory Group will meet in person or virtually up to 6 times a year.

Appointments to the Advisory Group will be for an initial 3 year term, with the option of extending by one further term if deemed appropriate by WES.

The submission of expressions of interest to HIE is due by April 27, 2015.

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Image: EMEC