WES Contemplates Quick Connection System R&D Project

Authorities & Government

Wave Energy Scotland (WES) said it is exploring options for the design and development of a system which will allow rapid connection/disconnection of a wave energy device from its moorings and/or electrical system.

The connection system and method would aim to reduce the time and cost of installation and marine operations relating to a wave energy project.

Technology transfer from other sectors is welcomed where solutions to similar challenges may have already been addressed, WEC noted.

This Prior Information Notice (PIN), which is not a call for competition, mainly relates to a potential funding call based on the recommendations of 2 projects completed on behalf of Wave Energy Scotland in 2018.

The final report for each of the 2 projects can be found online on the WES Knowledge Library.

Should WES decide to progress with any of the procurement exercises, a Contract Notice will be published, at a future date, in the Official Journal of the European Union and/or on the Public Contracts Scotland portal.

This PIN mainly relates to the potential procurement of R&D services and questions relating to this notice should be raised using the online “Question and Answer” option on PCS until 27th Augusts 2019. Answers will be published via the same facility.

Wave Energy Scotland (WES) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Highland and Islands Enterprise and is taking an innovative approach to supporting the commercialisation of the wave energy sector until the technical and commercial risks are low enough for the private sector to re-enter the sector.