WERC showcased on national level

Authorities & Government

College of the North Atlantic’s Wave Energy Research Centre (WERC) was one of the research projects presented to federal ministers and dignitaries at the Parliament of Canada.

The event was organized by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). Senior researchers from across Canada were invited by NSERC and Senator Kelvin K. Ogilvie, Chair of the Social Affairs, Science and Technology Senate Committee, to informally share their work with decision-makers.

Wave Energy Research Centre (WERC) is located on the southeastern coast of the Burin Peninsula, an area with suitable conditions for wave and tidal energy research.

The five-year project is focusing on developing an economical wave powered pump to deliver sea water to an on-shore aquaculture farm, and on developing the methods and technology necessary for land-based multi-trophic aquaculture farming (species of different levels of the same food chain working together to sustain an aquaculture environment).

Number of works have been undertaken on the research facility in order to support the research project, including building and wharf renovations, installation of piping, and data acquisition and telecommunications equipment.

Michael Graham, WERC Project Administrator, said: “We have made the site more than just a research facility. It now has the ability to host businesses or organizations interested in testing their sea-based technologies in an actual naturally-extreme environment setting or by utilizing our resources to test integrated multi-trophic aquaculture research projects.”

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Image: CNA