Weco's Kaizen Wave Energy Converter

Weco’s wave energy converter produces first power (Video)

Business Developments & Projects

The Hague-based Wave Energy Collective (Weco) has reached a milestone in the development of its Kaizen wave energy converter (WEC), as the device had generated its first power.

Source: Weco (Screenshot)

Weco said that it was also able to validate and optimize the design further. The company collaborated with Deltares, a Netherlands-based research institute, during this phase of development.

“Not only were we able to produce power with our Kaizen Wave Energy Converter. We have also been able to validate and optimize our design further,” Weco stated.

“A big thank you to Deltares and especially Mark Klein Breteler for the opportunity and great collaboration along the way. This has been a great experience and exercise for us in the development of our system,” added Weco. 

The company said that it is now focused on analyzing the data collected during the trials to further refine its technology. 

Kaizen WEC is said to be designed to harness the kinetic energy of ocean waves. The system targets the horizontal motion of waves to generate electrical power.

Weco testing it’s wave energy converter

Back in June, Weco unveiled that planned to test its WEC in the Delta Flume at Deltares. According to Weco, the Delta Flume at Deltares is one of “the world’s largest” wave simulation facilities, measuring 300 meters in length, 7 to 9,5 meters in depth, and five meters in width, capable of producing waves up to 4,5 meters high. 

In September, the Netherlands-based company completed testing of its WEC at the 24/7 Waves facility, clearing the path for further multi-week tests. At the 24/7 Wave facility, Weco said its WEC had generated electricity from 70 cm waves.

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