Waveswing America makes waves in Iowa

Research & Development
Complete 1:20 scale Waveswing model with a selection of nose-cone options (Photo: Wave Energy Prize)
Complete 1:20 scale Waveswing model with a selection of nose-cone options (Photo: Wave Energy Prize)

Waveswing America has started the wave tank testing of its 1:20 scale wave energy device at the University of Iowa.

One of the finalist teams competing in the Wave Energy Prize challenge, Waveswing America, has completed the construction of its 1:20 scale subsea pressure-differential point-absorber wave energy device.

Anchor frame being lowered into the tank at Iowa University (Photo: Wave Energy Prize)

The Waveswing America team has also informed they have started the pre-testing of the device at the wave tank at the University of Iowa, ahead of the final testing at the Naval Surface Warfare Center’s Maneuvering and Seakeeping (MASK) wave-making facility at Carderock, Maryland, set to take place this summer.

“This will allow us to tune the control system and iron out any problems with the device before finally packing up for shipping to Carderock,” Waveswing America team said. “Our direct-drive PTO unit is working better than expected with excellent force and velocity control response which allows us to implement the most advanced control strategies available.”

The technology the team is developing takes a highly efficient point-absorber concept and combines it with efficient linear generator technology and advanced control algorithms to maximise yield, with the potential ratings of 500 kW and above, according to Waveswing America.

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