Wavec Seeks Econ Expert

Business & Finance

WavEC is looking for a professional with a background in economics or previous experience in economics and financial analysis in business or research context.

The successful candidate will be engaged in research projects and consulting services addressing economic and financial aspects of marine renewable energies.

WavEC is structured in four technical areas, each one coordinated by a senior staff member: i) Environmental and Public Policies, ii) Economy and Industry, iii) Numerical Modelling and iv) Technology and Monitoring. The successful candidate will integrate the Economy and Industry team.

A letter of motivation with a Curriculum Vitae should be submitted by E-mail to [email protected]. Closing date is on May 31, 2019.

WavEC is a R&D-based consulting non-profit company dedicated to the development and promotion of marine renewable energy technologies (including wave energy and offshore wind), and ocean engineering solutions for other ocean economy sectors (such as offshore aquaculture and floating solar energy).