Wave Energy Scotland hires external experts

Authorities & Government

Wave Energy Scotland (WES) has engaged the services of external assessors to provide technical expertise for the evaluation of applications proceeding to the next stage of wave power innovation program.

Illustration/Mocean Energy’s wave energy converter at FloWave (Photo: Wave Energy Scotland)

The Scottish wave body awarded contracts to Glasglow-based Uaine Gorm Power Associates, and Marine Renewable Engineering from Wells, to assess the applications for the stage three of its Novel Wave Energy Converter (NWEC) program.

The companies will evaluate documentation from four applications and provide WES with the analysis to support the NWEC, one of a series of programs designed to help commercialize the wave energy sector in Scotland.

WES is a subsidiary of Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) and is fully funded by the Scottish government.

The organization takes a progressive and collaborative approach to tackling the issues which have proved challenging in the wave energy sector and is driving the development of wave energy technology in Scotland and beyond.