WATCH: Wave Energy Converter Prototype Launched Off Mauritius

Operations & Maintenance

The Mauritius Oceanography Institute (MOI), in collaboration with University of Mauritius (UoM) has launched a wave energy converter (WEC) prototype off Albion, Mauritius.

In 2017, the MOI embarked on a project involving the tapping of surface wave energy using an oscillating water column principle.

The main objective of the project is to showcase the possibility of generating electricity from waves using a low-cost device.

A two-phase approach was initially used for the completion of the wave energy conversion prototype. The first phase involved the construction of the floating platform and air chamber by the MOI whilst the second phase was mostly targeted at implementing the power take-off module by collaborators from the University of Mauritius.

After trials and testing, the prototype is operational and is converting energy from waves into electricity, MOI said.

The technology was developed by seven scientists: Jay Doorga, Murughen Sadien, Oomarsing Gooroochurn, Olivier Pasnin, Khishma Modoosoodun-Nicolas from MOI and Dr Roddy Lollchund, Dr Doobayparsad Baijnath from UoM.