Watch: OCEANERA-NET COFUND Joint Call 2019 Webinar

Authorities & Government

Ocean Energy ERA-NET Cofund (OCEANERA-NET COFUND) has held a webinar on Tuesday, January 15, to provide information on its recently opened second Joint Call for collaborative research and development projects in the field of ocean energy.

The second Joint Call was launched on January 8, and the webinar was set up to facilitate those looking to apply with more information and guidance.

The webinar was led by Karen Fraser of Scottish Enterprise, as one of the seven funding organisations.

The aim of the OCEANERA-NET COFUND Joint Call 2019 is to promote the development and competitiveness of the ocean energy sector by supporting projects involving research, technological development and innovation activities, demonstrating or validating innovative technologies of ocean energies: Wave Energy, Tidal and Ocean Currents, Tidal Range, Salinity Gradient, and Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion.

Funding organisations have allocated up to €6.82 million to this Joint Call. This means the call budget for the OCEANERA-NET COFUND Joint Call 2019 will be at least €6.82 million.

OCEANERA-NET COFUND is a five-year action supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme for Research and Innovation. This project, operating from 2017 to 2021, will build on the work of the Ocean Energy European Research Area Network (OCEANERA-NET) which started in 2013 and ended in February 2018.

The deadline for expressions of interest is March 1, 2019, for full proposals April 5, 2019.