Sir John Fisher

Watch: James Fisher takes delivery of 1st of two LNG dual-fuel tankers

Image credit China Merchants Jinling
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British provider of marine engineering services James Fisher has welcomed MV Sir John Fisher, the first of two 6,000 dwt LNG dual-fuel tankers, to its fleet at a delivery ceremony held on November 21.

Built and launched at China Merchants Jinling (CMJL) shipyard in Yangzhou, China, the dual-fuel tanker underwent sea trials prior to delivery.

The sea trials were supervised by the project manager, ship manager, and the vessel’s chief engineer and master who all provided onsite support. Additional supervision was provided by the team at marine consultancy specialist, Alpha Marine Consulting, who helped see MV Sir John Fisher through these crucial stages in preparation for her delivery.

I am extremely impressed with how the yard, together with the support of our Alpha Marine Site team, has managed to overcome the significant challenges and disruptions that Covid has posed throughout the building program. Together they have demonstrated a number of the same core values as James Fisher, notably energy and resilience, in achieving delivery within the required timescale,” Iain Salter, Project Engineer at James Fisher Shipping Services and technical lead for this project, said.

“I have been especially impressed with the final quality that has been achieved, and the results from sea trials show that she will exceed all of the very challenging design conditions that were initially set.”

The tanker is equipped with efficient dual-fuel engines able to run on liquified natural gas, just like its sister vessel Lady Maria, which is expected to follow in 2023.

Following the delivery, MV Sir John Fisher will be traded by James Fisher Everard (JFE) alongside its existing fleet.

The two vessels also incorporate innovations in design and construction technology to further enhance hydrodynamic performance, to improve operational efficiency, reduce GHG emissions and improve local air quality. Their extensive, centralised waste heat recovery system also helps minimise GHG emissions,” James Fisher said.

The shipowner added that each vessel is capable of achieving a 45 percent reduction in carbon emissions, in addition to a 93 percent reduction in NOx and 45 percent reduction in SOx.

“The vessels will reduce the fleet’s overall greenhouse gas emissions and will also help customers looking to contribute to sustainability improvements,” the UK company went on to say.

Courtesy China Merchants Jinling (CMJL) shipyard 

“Everyone at James Fisher is looking forward to introducing customers to MV Sir John Fisher when she arrives in Northwest Europe early next year. With a dual fuel engine and the ability to alternate between fuel types, both she and her sister vessel, the Lady Maria, demonstrate our commitment to a new, more sustainable future for our shipping operations,” Krystyna Tsochlas, Managing Director at James Fisher Tankships, said.

Once in operation, MV Sir John Fisher and Lady Maria will replace two of James Fisher’s existing tankers and, while identical in terms of dimensions, they will be able to carry more cargo due to their increased deadweight.

Both tankers have also been designed for restricted access ports around the coastline of Northern Europe, enabling JFE to better service existing long-term contracts.

James Fisher’s business is focused on the energy, defence, and marine markets, and the company has achieved significant progress in the renewables and decommissioning businesses over the recent period.

However, the group is exploring strategic options for several businesses, which may result in their future sale. The Swordfish Dive Support Vessel is now on rent until Summer 2023, although discussions continue with regard to a potential sale of the vessel.

Earlier this year the group signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the National Marine Dredging Corporation of Abu Dhabi, with a view to jointly pursuing commercial opportunities, initially in the Middle East, but with the potential to expand geographically in the future.