Wanted: Offshore Platform Engineering Consultant

Project & Tenders

Elia and 50Hertz are pre-qualifying candidates for a tender call for offshore platform engineering consultancy services.

The tender winner will perform early engineering services to define the platform concept and elaborate a project design basis, based on the main contractor’s input. The project design basis will then be bundled into a complete design.

The awardee will work on the design in close cooperation with the main contractor.

The platform engineering consultant should have sufficient resources to work on multiple projects in parallel.

The awarded contract will cover a period of 96 months, with the work to be done for projects in the Belgian part of the North Sea and the German sector of the Baltic Sea.

Elia and 50Hertz have also launched a pre-qualification procedure for geotechnical seabed survey services to be delivered for the same project areas.

The deadline for submitting requests to participate in the tender seeking an offshore platform consultant is 19 February, with the invitation to tender scheduled to be issued on 5 March.

Since this joint procurement involves different countries, the state applicable national procurement law is that of Belgium.

50Hertz is part of the Elia Group. 50Hertz Transmission GmbH owns 50Hertz Offshore GmbH, which connects offshore wind farms in the Baltic Sea to the 50Hertz transmission grid.