Walney Extension OWF Subject to Environmental Assessment Procedure

Business & Finance

Meath County Council has been advised by the Minister for Environment Community and Local Government of information received from the Secretary of State for the Environment in the United Kingdom in respect of proposed Walney Extension Offshore Wind Farm that may be likely to have a significant effect on the environment in Ireland.

Walney Extension OWF Subject to Environmental Assessment Procedure

The proposed development, Walney Extension Offshore Wind Farm, is located at approximately 19km west-south-west of the Isle of Walney coast in Cumbria, 26km southwest of the Millom coast of Cumbria, 35km northwest of the Fleetwood and Blackpool coast, and 31km southesast of the Isle of Man and is described as the construction of offshore wind turbines and foundations (up to 207 wind turbines with a maximum tip height 222m to provide an installed capacity of up to 750MW); up to three offshore substations and foundations; undersea cables between the wind turbines and offshore substations; up to five buried offshore undersea export cable systems to transmit electricity from the offshore substations to the shore.

The proposed development is subject to an environmental assessment procedure and has potential transboundary effects. The transboundary state (the UK) may grant permission subject to conditions or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission.

Information on the proposed development is available for inspection, at the offices of Meath County Council, Planning Department, Abbey Road, Navan, Co. Meath during its public opening hours, or may be viewed on line on the UK Planning Inspectorate’s website.

The application and accompanying documents including Environmental Statement and Habitats Assessment Report may be viewed here.

A submission or observation in relation to the proposed development may be made in writing to Meath County Council, Planning Department on or before 4.00 pm on Wednesday, 12th February 2014 or via email to [email protected]

Submissions may also be directly made to the Department of Communities and Local Government in the UK which is the decision making authority for the project.

Press Release, January 23, 2014; Image: DONG Energy