Wallenius Wilhelmsen rolls out net zero-aligned sustainable financing framework

Business & Finance

Norwegian roll-on/roll-off (RoRo) shipping and logistics company Wallenius Wilhelmsen has launched a sustainable framework promoting green financing practices.

Courtesy of Wallenius Wilhelmsen

Back in 2022, the company introduced its first sustainability-linked financing framework, aiming to reduce carbon intensity by 27.5 percent from 2019 to 2030.

“The new framework is more ambitious and aligns with our commitment to achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2040. Our targets have been validated by the Science-Based Target Initiative to ensure that they adhere to the latest climate science and sector pathways to meet the Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C target,” Wallenius Wilhelmsen explained.

The company’s Sustainable Financing Framework 2025 sets out the terms under which the Wallenius Wilhelmsen Group may raise financing through:

  • Green bonds, loans, and derivatives
  • Sustainability-linked bonds, loans and derivatives.

“Our intention is to allocate our green financing to the new dual-fuel capable vessels that align with the EU Taxonomy. We recognize that a common interpretation of the taxonomy is yet to materialize and it is under continued development. We are monitoring how these developments will impact our green financing closely,” the Norwegian company added.

Transitioning from fossil fuels to low-carbon fuels is projected to be the most significant contributor to our emission reduction efforts from the baseline year 2022 to 2040. This shift will be complemented by significant technical and operational improvements to the company’s current fleet along with efficiency gains from new vessels. Together, these initiatives will be essential in achieving its emission reduction targets, the Oslo-based firm said.

Transitioning to a fossil-free future is challenging, but essential. Climate change requires new technologies, infrastructure, low-carbon fuels, energy-efficient operations and partnerships. The cost of achieving net-zero is significant – but insignificant compared to doing nothing. We believe that decarbonization represents one of the greatest opportunities of our time. Through our green and sustainability-linked financing framework, we invite our investors and lenders to join us on the journey toward net-zero,” Lasse Kristoffersen, CEO of Wallenius Wilhelmsen, commented.

The framework is said to be aligned with the Green Bond Principles and Sustainability-Linked Bond Principles published by the International Capital Market Association (ICMA) and the Green Loan Principles and Sustainability-linked Loan Principles published by the Loan Market Association (LMA).

In related news, after placing an initial order for four methanol and ammonia-ready car carriers in mid-August 2023, Wallenius Wilhelmsen declared options for four additional 9,300 CEU methanol dual-fuel units a year ago. The ships were ordered at China Merchants Jingling Shipyard. In March 2024, it added four optional units to its agreement with the shipyard.

In November 2024, the Norwegian shipping player exercised an option for two additional 11,700 CEU methanol dual-fuel Shaper class pure car and truck carriers (PCTCs) to be built in China. Moreover, the company decided to upsize two additional vessels from 9,300 CEU to 11,700 CEU, bringing the total of upsized Shaper vessels to eight.

The company currently operates 125 vessels on 15 trade routes.

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