Wales opens consultations on marine licensing fees

Business & Finance

Welsh government has launched consultations on proposed changes to the fees and associated charges for marine licensing.

Marine licensing regime, operated by Natural Resources Wales (NRW) on behalf of the Welsh Ministers, proposed changes are aimed at moving towards a system of full cost recovery, enabling the licensing authority to provide a fair and adequate provision of services.

Also, the changes could improve the regime for charging costs associated with marine licensing and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) regime in Wales, the government informed.

“The overall aim is to provide a fit for purpose, robust, fair and transparent regime for charging for costs associated with marine licensing and the EIA regime in Wales,” Lesley Griffiths, Cabinet Secretary for Environment and Rural Affairs, said.

A wide range of activities in Welsh waters require a marine licence before works can be undertaken, including the construction of offshore renewable energy projects, installation of tidal or wind turbines, as well as construction works on the coast including sea walls, jetties, extensions to ports/harbours.

The deadline for the consultation responses is set for November 28, 2016.