Vuosaari fairway deepening wraps up

Business Developments & Projects

The deepening of the Vuosaari fairway and harbour basin was completed ahead of schedule at the end of November, Port of Helsinki said.

During the project, around 1.1 million cubic metres of soil was dredged and 800,000 cubic metres of rock was made available for use in area construction in Helsinki. 

The project was completed on schedule and under budget, the Port said.

The work, which started in spring 2020, cost EUR 26.5 million. The original budget estimate was over EUR 10 million more.

The project has also been awarded a 20% EU CEF grant to improve transport efficiency and reduce environmental hazards. 

“The biggest single factor contributing to staying under budget was that the Vuosaari contract was tendered at the same time as the City of Helsinki’s Hernesaari dredging and filling contract, which made it possible to get a good bid for both. The chosen contractor, Terramare Oy, also has high-quality equipment and experienced personnel, which make for efficient work,” said Seppo Paukkeri, Project Manager at the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency.

“In addition to the concurrence of the two projects, the contractor’s previous experience in the construction of the Vuosaari fairway contributed to staying under budget,” added Jukka Kallio, VP Cargo at the Port of Helsinki.