Viking Cinderella to cut 2,500 tonnes of CO2 emissions a year after refit


Viking Cinderella, a ferry operated by Finnish shipping company Viking Line, will be able to reduce its carbon dioxide emissions by 2,500 tonnes a year after an investment in technical upgrades.

Viking Line

The 1989-built ferry, which can accommodate 2,560 passengers and 480 cars, has undergone a major makeover at the Turku Repair Yard in Naantali.

In March, Viking Cinderella will return to service between Helsinki and Stockholm after the makeover. It will be reflagged under a Finnish flag and operate on the Helsinki–Stockholm route together with Viking Gabriella.

The 191-meter-long vessel, which was previously painted white, has had its sides painted bright red at the shipyard where its interiors have also undergone an extensive refurbishment. The extensive painting work was just part of the two-week dry-docking, which cost nine million euros and employed some 350 people.

Among the many technical upgrades, the most important ones were the installation of so-called Elogrids, produced in Finland, to reduce water resistance while the vessel is operating, and the installation of the LeanMarine system to optimize engine output and propeller steering.

“Renewal and maintenance of our vessels throughout their life cycle are an important part of our sustainability work. With these modifications now carried out, Cinderella’s annual carbon dioxide emissions will be cut by 5%, that is, up to 2,500 tonnes, and at the same time the remaining useful life of the 35-year-old vessel will be extended,” Dani Lindberg, Sustainability Manager at Viking Line, commented.

According to International Maritime Organization (IMO) regulations, passenger ferries must now be dry-docked every 2.5 years. Viking Cinderella has now been dry-docked for the 14th time.

Last month, Viking Line said it switched to using only green electricity from renewable energy sources to reduce up to 780 tons of its annual GHG emissions. Starting in 2030, it will be a legal requirement for vessels to use a land-based power supply when they are in port.