Waveswing testing at EMEC’s Scapa Flow test site (Photo courtesy of EMEC)

Video: Waveswing wave energy device gets shakedown at EMEC


The video shows initial testing and shakedown of 16kW Waveswing wave energy device that was recently completed, as the developer AWS Ocean Energy proceeds with offshore scientific test program in Scotland.

Waveswing testing at EMEC’s Scapa Flow test site (Photo courtesy of EMEC)
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The initial shakedown testing at the European Marine Energy Centre’s (EMEC’s) Scapa Flow test site in Orkney involved ten significant lifting, marine or diving operations demonstrating the practical deployment, operation and recovery of the Waveswing device.

The device has now been recovered to shore for detailed inspection prior to being redeployed at EMEC’s test site.

The shakedown testing addressed one of the key scientific uncertainties in relation to the behavior of the Waveswing: how the device will respond to changing water depth and pressure. The tests demonstrated a 2x ratio between change in depth and movement of the floater thus confirming the power-generation potential for the device, according to AWS Ocean Energy.

Established in 2004, AWS Ocean Energy has developed a range of technologies and services to meet customer needs from isolated off-grid power supplies to utility scale offshore power production.

The design of the current generation of Waveswing has focused on remote power applications such as driving subsea oilfield assets or use in oceanographic monitoring.

Its low mooring footprint and practical design for maintenance recovery are key features which make Waveswing attractive to oil and gas operators, according to AWS Ocean Energy.

As a submerged point absorber device, Waveswing changes volume in response to pressure variations caused by ocean waves.

The Waveswing generates energy by reacting to changes in pressure caused by passing waves. 

In simple form, the device is a submerged telescopic structure with a lower part tethered to the seabed and the upper part free to move vertically.

The device comprises two large concentric cylinders. The moving upper cylinder or floater has a closed upper end which provides the wave absorbing surface while the lower, fixed part or silo contains the power take-off (PTO) and other equipment.

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