VIDEO: Uruguay LNG Import Terminal


VIDEO: Uruguay LNG Import Terminal

iNFRANEA posted a short animation video to present the Uruguay LNG project.

GDF SUEZ signed a 15-year BOOT (Build, Own, Operate and Transfer) contract with Gas Sayago for LNG storage and regasification services in Uruguay.

View on Youtube.

Commercial operation of the new terminal is expected in 2015. Located in the Punta Sayago area, close to Montevideo, the offshore terminal, GNL del Plata, will comprise a Floating Storage and Regasification Unit (FSRU) and a jetty, protected by a 1.5 km breakwater. The entire capacity of the terminal, which will be capable of receiving LNG carriers up to 218,000m3, will be reserved by the off-taker Gas Sayago.


LNG World News Staff, December 06, 2013; Image: iNFRANEA