VIDEO: TSHD Barlovento Primero Sinks Off Santander

Business & Finance
Image source: Asociación Vecinal de Candás

The trailing suction hopper dredger (TSHD) Barlovento Primero, owned by Sociedad Anonima Trabajos Y Obras (SATO), sank yesterday at the Suances Port entrance, west of Santander, Spain, local media reports. 

Image source: Asociación Vecinal de Candás

The crew, including the skipper and two sailors, was rescued by another dredging vessel.

The TSHD was carrying out dredging works on the port’s channel in order to increase the waterway’s depth, when the accident occurred.

According to the latest reports, the wreck is marked by buoys, channel traffic isn’t affected and the cause of sinking has not yet been determined.