Video: GMax tidal energy concept

Business & Finance

US-based tidal energy developer GMax Tidal Energy has released a video showing their tidal energy solution using linear flow technology to produce power.

GMax’s modular unit device will contain 2 GMax permanent magnet generators with the nameplate capacity between 2-4MW, according to GMax Tidal Energy.

These generators are supported by a connecting structure upon a deck, on a floating structure, which excludes the need for ocean floor contact.

The device contains an isolated lower deck with sizable space, and the electricity is generated top side through a proprietary system.

The system does not require fixed foundation, as it is designed using offshore floating stage methods, the company said.

GMax device is currently at the technology readiness level (TRL) 6, having completed the lab-scale prototype in April last year.

At that time, GMax said it was also exploring possibilities for battery storage, water desalination capabilities, and data centers as additional options for the application of the device.