VIDEO: Channel MOR Project

Authorities & Government

Channel MOR is a cluster of marine renewable energy related projects which have been selected under the Interreg IV A France (Channel) – England programme.

The Channel MOR (Marine Offshore Renewable) group seeks to support the economic development of the marine renewable energy sector and facilitate the integration of businesses, including SMEs, into this sector.

It is entirely financed by Interreg IV A France (Channel) – England programme to a total amount of EUR 1.069.353 through European Regional Development Fund.

The project sets out to:

• Support small businesses in accessing MRE markets

• Provide the Channel area with greater networking opportunities

Channel MOR encompasses the existing knowledge developed under the following projects: CAMIS, 2OM BEEMS, CHANNEL MARINE ACADEMY, DEEDS, MERIFIC, Mer innovate, as well as the Atlantic Power Cluster project funded by the INTERREG IVB Atlantic Area programme.

Take a look at the video showcasing the opinions of some of the companies participating in Channel MOR project.

Source/Image: BDI