VIDEO: Baltimore Harbor Maintenance Dredging Wraps Up

Business & Finance

The latest round of the Baltimore Harbor maintenance dredging scheme is now officially completed, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Baltimore District said in its latest announcement.

The work started in December and has included the dredging of roughly 2.5 million cubic yards of material from six different shipping channels used by vessels to get to and from the Port of Baltimore.

“Whether people realize it or not, the Port of Baltimore is one of the key economic engines for Baltimore, the state of Maryland and really the whole region, and maintaining shipping channels like we’re doing with this work is extremely important,” said Baltimore District Commander Col. John Litz.

“We’re happy to be able to carry out dredging on six channels this year coordinating closely with our partners in the Maryland Port Administration to maintain the depths of these vital channels and ensure the Port of Baltimore can continue to serve the region.”

The work was completed through a $17.5 million contract, awarded to Norfolk Dredging of Virginia.