Video: Atmocean rides Texas wave to optimization

Business & Finance

Atmocean, a US-based wave energy developer, will conduct the third wave tank trial of its wave energy system late in August at Texas A&M University.

Following the March and June tests, Atmocean announced another trial campaign of its wave energy system that will guide the design optimization for various wave energy conditions and improved operability in various ocean current velocities.

Outcomes of the upcoming trials of the 1:8 scale system should also see reduced component cost, improvements to the company’s array mooring system, and enable deployment in shallower sea depth, Atmocean informed.

Atmocean’s wave energy system operates by capturing the rising and falling motion of ocean waves to drive a piston in a cylinder which pressurizes the seawater.

The pressurized seawater can be sent to the onshore converters, where it’s run into a reverse osmosis (RO) system to desalinate the water, or through a Pelton water wheel to generate renewable electricity.

Take a look at the video showing the previous Atmocean’s wave energy system trials at Texas A&M University.

Atmocean Wave Tank Testing

Posted by Atmocean on Wednesday, July 20, 2016