Vicksburg District Funding Increases for Fiscal Year 2020
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Vicksburg District, has announced that its Work Plan for the 2020 fiscal year includes $102 million in funding for its civil works program, the largest amount of funding since the 2013 fiscal year.

The Work Plan will fund projects, programs and activities that received funding in the three previous fiscal years and will prioritize ongoing work that can reach significant milestones or produce significant outputs during the 2020 fiscal year, reported the Vicksburg District.
The distribution of funds for the district’s Work Plan is as follows:
- $3.15 million for environmental infrastructure for key project locations in Clinton, Oxford and Sardis, Mississippi;
- $43.75 million for mitigation work and riverfront development on the J. Bennett Johnston Waterway;
- $4.2 million for operation and maintenance of existing projects, including hydropower facilities at Blakely Mountain Dam, Lake Ouachita and DeGray Lake and dredging efforts on navigable waterways, including the J. Bennett Johnston Waterway;
- $54 million for Mississippi River & Tributaries project activities, including the study, design, construction, operation and maintenance of water resources projects in the historic flood plain of the Mississippi River;
- $2.25 million for the collection and study of basic data for flood damage reduction;
- $34.8 million for mainline construction of Mississippi River channel improvement dikes and levees and Yazoo River Basin projects, including those in the Upper Yazoo Basin, Big Sunflower and the Yazoo Backwater;
- $16.9 million for operations and maintenance, including Mississippi River levee slide repairs, gantry crane rehabilitation for the Tensas River Basin, Tensas and Boeuf rivers, and Lake Chicot; hydraulic gate cylinder repairs at the Tensas Cocodrie Pumping Plant; and slide repairs, operation and maintenance at the district’s four flood control reservoirs in the Yazoo River Basin, Arkabutla, Enid, Grenada and Sardis lakes.
The district’s Work Plan funds, combined with those from the President’s Budget, provide the district with a total of $207 million in regular funding for the 2020 fiscal year.
This funding allows the district to continue critical work in missions such as reducing flood risk, improving navigation and sustaining the environment.