
Vattenfall mulling options after Thanet Extension setback

Business & Finance

Vattenfall is set to consider how to proceed with the Thanet Extension offshore wind project after the UK Secretary of State refused its development consent order (DCO) application.


Commenting on the decision, Danielle Lane, UK Country Manager for Vattenfall, said: “Naturally we’re very disappointed by this decision and will consider how we proceed from here.”

The Secretary of State stated that the impact of the proposed project on marine navigation, shipping and ports was the principal issue generating most attention and disagreement throughout the examination.

“We continue to believe that Thanet Extension would be an important development for the local area, for UK energy security, and for the drive to reduce emissions,” Lane added.

Vattenfall submitted the application for the DCO in June 2018 and the Examining Authority was appointed at the end of the same year.

The project would extend the 300 MW Thanet offshore wind farm with 34 turbines located 8km offshore Kent, which would potentially double the output of the existing 100-turbine wind farm with more powerful machines.