Vattenfall Begins Hollandse Kust Zuid 1&2 Prep Work

Business & Finance

Vattenfall has commenced the initial physical preparatory works for the Hollandse Kust Zuid 1 & 2 offshore wind project in the Netherlands.

The Swedish company has started setting up a project team and has performed the first studies necessary to properly estimate the activities involved in building the project.

The actual offshore works and various studies commence this spring, with experts set to examine the composition of the seabed and water depths, as well as the wind conditions.

Fugro and Bibby HydroMap are responsible for the offshore studies in the coming months, while East Point Geo and Cathie Associates will act in supporting roles as Vattenfall Client Representatives on site.

“Ships will be departing for the wind farm area in the coming months. The ship crews will remain at sea for several days and work in shifts. We are really starting to work on site now. That marks a new phase in the project,” said Ian Bremner, Project Director of Hollandse Kust Zuid.

“We have commissioned a study of the seabed conditions so that in the near future we will know exactly what the seabed is like and where we can place the foundations for the wind turbines. The companies we have under contract have a lot of experience in this and we are happy to have them on board.”

The authorities had previously conducted a geophysical study in the region and mapped the positions of existing cables, pipelines, shipwrecks and other obstacles.

The data from this study will be enhanced with data from new studies to further optimize the project development, based on examination of the seabed and subsoil geology on site, which will give an idea of how best to place the foundations for the turbines, Vattenfall said.

Located 22km from the coast, the 700MW Hollandse Kust Zuid 1 & 2 will be the world’s first offshore wind farms to be built without public subsidy. The project is expected to be completed in 2022.