Vattenfall and Per Aarsleff Form Danish Nearshore Connection

Business & Finance

Vattenfall has awarded Per Aarsleff A/S with a contract to supply and install the onshore grid for the Vesterhav Nord and Vesterhav Syd nearshore wind projects in the Danish North Sea.

The onshore grid for both sites, Vesterhav Nord and Vesterhav Syd, will consist of two 66kV onshore cable systems and one 66kV onshore substation.

Per Aarsleff is in charge of supplying and installing the cable systems and the substation for the two nearshore wind farms.

Installation works on the onshore grid for Vesterhav Nord and Vesterhav Syd are expected to take place in 2019.

Vattenfall won the Danish nearshore wind tender for Vesterhav Syd and Vesterhav Nord sites in September 2016, with a bid price of 6 Eurocents per kWh (DKK 0.475/kWh).

The sites are located in the offshore area outside Hvide Sande and Thyborøn on the west coast of Jutland.

The two wind farms will feature a total of 41 Siemens Gamesa SWT-8.0-154 wind turbines. According to Vattenfall, the wind turbines will have the capacity of 8.4MW, bringing the overall capacity of the two wind farms to around 350MW. The commissioning is planned for 2020.