Van der Velden Expands its Activities with Establishment of New Division (The Netherlands)

Business & Finance

Van der Velden Marine Systems is further expanding its activities with the establishment of a new division: Van der Velden Equipment B.V. In addition to the maritime market, this new division will also serve the onshore industry and energy markets (power stations).

Under its former name of Van der Velden Industrial, Van der Velden Equipment B.V. has for many years been the sales agent for EFFER Marine Cranes and the distributor for FUNKE Heat Exchangers. In line with the ambition to complete and diversify our services, the product range has now been expanded to include HEAT NORD box coolers, GESAB heat transfer systems, MEP marine cranes, winches and other deck equipment, GEA WESTFALIA separators as well as SEPAR fuel filters.

Van der Velden Equipment B.V. is also the exclusive agent for Van der VeldenBarkemeyer and offers complete manoeuvring packages for oceangoing vessels, including rudders, rudder trunks, streamline bodies, van der VeldenCOMMANDER™Ram-type and Rotary vane steering gear, nozzles and silent EPS™thrusters.

Marnix Verschoor has been appointed General Manager and will be responsible for positioning this new division in the market and further expanding its activities. Verschoor has a solid technical and commercial background with all-round management experience. He will work closely with Ton van Es, who has been an independent agent for Van der Velden’s Oceangoing vessels division in the Benelux for over five years. Van Es’ in-depth knowledge of Van der Velden manoeuvring equipment will be incorporated in Van der Velden Equipment B.V.

About Van der Velden Marine Systems

Headquartered in the Netherlands, Van der Velden Marine Systems is a specialist in the area of manoeuvrability for the entire maritime market for almost 50 years. The company is renowned for its quality, safety, innovation and service. The fast growing group operates in three main areas: Inland WaterWays, Oceangoing vessels and Yachting. Van der Velden Marine Systems employs some 115 people around the world.

Van der Velden rudders and steering gear are recognised as being state-of-the-art. Wherever possible, products are integrated in a complete system with a tailor-made approach. Reliability, ease of maintenance, safety and a long life-span are key drivers throughout the design, manufacturing and installation processes. Customers and yards alike benefit from an easy to install and integrated solution, a unified overall design and one project coordinator for the manoeuvring system.

Source: Van der Velden , April 15, 2011;