USACE Releases Elim Dredging Report
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska District has prepared a draft integrated feasibility report and environmental assessment on the proposed navigation improvements at Elim, about 90 miles east of Nome.

The proposed project and preliminary analysis of potential environmental impacts are described in the draft report, which is being submitted to elicit public review and comment.
Under the plan, USACE proposes to dredge an access channel from about -12 feet mean lower low water extending to a barge landing and dock located at -12 feet MLLW, a mooring area at -9 feet mean lower low water, and a boat launch.
The access channel will be outside of wave protection, but the barge landing, dock, mooring area, and boat launch will be inside of breakwaters providing about 6.2 acres of interior basin/channel.
This effort would remove about 160,000 cubic yards of material.
The report will be available for 30 days until May 28 and can be viewed on the Alaska District’s website.