USACE Detroit District Reports Busy 2019
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Detroit District recently completed a busy fiscal year 2019 awarding 204 contracts totaling nearly $75 million.

This includes 28 construction and dredging contracts worth almost $57 million.
Apart from completing projects in 2019, the Corps also announced that they will be awarding new contracts in 2020 including the award of the Upstream Channel Deepening of the channel for the New Lock at the Soo.
Significant contracts awarded in 2019 include:
- The Green Bay Harbor, in Green Bay, Wisconsin, maintenance dredging project was awarded to Luedtke Engineering Company from Frankfort, Michigan for more than $4 million to dredge 302,900 cubic yards of material. The project (contract award numberW911XK19C0015) dredged the outer bay and placed the material in the Cat Island Dredged Material Placement Facility. The project was completed in November 2019.
- The maintenance dredging Detroit River and Pointe Mouillee Confined Disposal Facility Maintenance project near Detroit Michigan was awarded to Ryba Marine Construction from Cheboygan, Michigan for more than $4 million. The project (contract award number W911XK19C0012) dredged and removed sediment materials from the Detroit River federal navigation channel then transport and deposit that material at the Pointe Mouillee CDF was completed in 2019.
- Muskegon South Breakwater Connector Repair (contract award number W911XK19C0021) in Muskegon, Michigan was awarded to Great Lakes Dock & Materials LLC. From Muskegon, Michigan for more than $1.6 million. The project is to demolish the existing south breakwater connector in several sections, which included the removal of the existing concrete slab and beams, timber piles and existing stone. Afterwards, the construction of a rubble mound breakwater and alignment of the existing structure will be completed by November 2020.
- The Duluth-Superior Harbor in Duluth, Minnesota and Superior, Wisconsin, maintenance dredging project (contract award number W911XK19C0019) was awarded to Roen Salvage Company of Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin for more than $1.4 million to dredge 154,585 cubic yards of material. The dredge material was placed evenly along the Minnesota Point shoreline beginning at the Superior Entry rubble mound structure and extending 3,000 feet in a northwestern direction. The project began in September and concluded in November 2019.
- The maintenance dredging Sturgeon Bay Ship Canal and Kewaunee Harbor project in Wisconsin was awarded to Great Lakes Dock and Materials, L.L.C. from Muskegon, Michigan for more than $1.3 million. The project (contract award number W911XK19C0010) is to dredge Sturgeon Bay between the upstream and downstream limits then offload and deposit the dredged materials into Barge Road / Sturgeon Bay Utilities Placement Area. Then to dredge Kewaunee Harbor between the upstream and downstream limits and place the dredged materials into Kewaunee Confined Disposal Facility. This project was completed in December 2019.