USA: Trelleborg Addresses Key Mooring Issues at Port Technology Conference

Business & Finance

Trelleborg Addresses Key Mooring Issues at Port Technology Conference

Trelleborg Marine Systems will present a technical paper “Applying the Right Correction Factors” at the Port and Terminal Technology Conference in Virginia, U.S. on the 11 and 12 April.

The whitepaper discusses the importance of applying the right Velocity Correction Factor (VCF) and Temperature Correction Factor (TCF) when specifying marine fenders.

Rubber type and compound formulation have a dramatic impact on the performance and lifecycle of fender systems. It’s essential that specifiers understand the difference that low quality compounds can have on performance – and the impact that rubber type and formulation have on VCF and TCF.

 Richard Hepworth, President of Trelleborg Marine Systems said: “Last year, we really put our money where our mouth is and delved in depth on the difference between high quality and low cost fenders.

Having developed new analytical and chemical tests to determine fender composition, we found some dramatic differences between two fenders which were claimed to be designed to the same specification.

The paper we’ll be presenting at the Port and Terminal Technology Conference builds on that work and discusses the impact that these differing formulations have on VCF and TCF – which can’t be applied correctly unless the rubber compound and formulation are properly understood.”

The Port and Terminal Technology Conference 2013 is the fifth to take place has established itself as a must-attend industry event.

It explores the latest developments, issues, trends and technology affecting ports and terminals around the globe and will provide delegates an invaluable learning opportunity as well as an excellent platform for discussion, debate and networking.

Trelleborg Marine Systems, April 2, 2013