USA: Tar Balls From The Spill Hit Texas Shore

U.S. officials confirmed Monday that tar balls from the Gulf oil spill have reached the shore of Texas, the first evidence that the spill has reached all five U.S. Gulf states.

The Texas General Land Office confirmed the tar balls found along the shores of Crystal Beach on Bolivar Peninsula, Texas, are from the Gulf spill, according to local TV channel Khou.

Tar balls have also been reportedly found on the west tip of Galveston Island, Texas, but officials did not confirm that the balls are also from the spill. Texas Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson said crews were removing tar balls found on the Bolivar Peninsula and Galveston Island on Sunday.

State officials performed tests on samples collected from the tar balls and concluded that the oil was from the Gulf spill, after hearing reports of tar balls washing up on beaches in Texas over the weekend. Texas Governor Rick Perry said Monday that his office will take steps to handle the situation and try to reduce the impact of the oil on the state’s beaches.


Source: Xinhuanewsagency,July 6, 2010;