USA: Picarro Launches Solution for Gas Leak Detection

USA Picarro Launches Solution for Gas Leak Detection

Picarro launched a solution for natural gas pipeline leak detection and measurement, based on the company’s Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS) analyzers.

The new solution, called Picarro Surveyor for Natural Gas Leaks, measures methane plumes in the air, maps them, and then immediately alerts users and repair teams upon leak detection in real-time while traveling at normal driving speeds, the company said in a statement.

“At an on-site demonstration attended by federal, state and local elected officials and co-hosted by Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), Picarro also announced PG&E as the world’s first utility to embrace this solution for natural gas safety applications,” the statement said.

The Picarro Surveyor consists of instrument hardware mounted in a vehicle, and software running on P-Cubed, Picarro’s cloud-based processing platform that uses algorithms to analyze data that it wirelessly receives and stores during surveys, it said.