USA: DOE Releases Small Business Innovation Research Funding Opportunity Announcements

Authorities & Government

USA: DOE Releases Small Business Innovation Research Funding Opportunity Announcements

The Department of Energy announced a series of Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOA). 

In the area of Wind Power development, the Department seeks to award funding for the development of a met-ocean package for offshore wind. Awarded under Topic 10a, this funding opportunity seeks proposals that can cost-effectively develop a met-ocean monitoring package that would serve as a standardized data collection network for offshore renewable energy technologies.

Measurements would support improved assessments of wind speed and direction, atmospheric stability, ocean waves, swells, and currents, and data sampling and communication rates consistent with industry standard models.

The Department also seeks to award funding for the development of wide band-gap semiconductor-based power electronics for wind turbine power conversion.


Press release, November 27, 2012; Image: Partrac