US: SBV pilot backs tidal, wave companies

Business & Finance
Illustration (Photo: ORPC)
Illustration (Photo: ORPC)

US Department of Energy has selected several marine and hydrokinetic developers to work with national laboratories to accelerate the commercialization of their technologies through the second round of the SBV pilot initiative.

The MHK developers that will participate the second round of the Small Business Vouchers (SBV) pilot include Seattle-based Oscilla Power which will collaborate with Sandia National Laboratories to model and analyze the distribution of forces and wear in a key component of its Triton wave energy converter.

Wave energy developer Northwest Energy Innovations from Portland will work with National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) to conduct full power tests of a 250kW Power Module prior to ocean testing of its commercial prototype

Also working with NREL, Ocean Renewable Power Corporation (ORPC) will aim to advance the system readiness of its turbine generator unit through generator and inverter testing and utilize the lab equipment to develop a commercially ready product, SBV pilot program administration informed.

A total of 43 small business have been selected to receive vouchers amounting to more than $8 million for the second round of the SBV pilot.

Individual vouchers will range from $50,000 to $300,000 per business.

“We need to accelerate the pace of clean energy innovation to build stronger economy and a brighter, cleaner future for our nation,” said David Friedman, Acting Assistant Secretary for the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE). “The Small Business Vouchers pilot breaks down barriers for some of our greatest entrepreneurial minds, allowing them to work with our national laboratories across sectors and industries to accelerate a clean energy revolution that’s been underway since 2008.”

SBV pilot is a collaborative national effort, launched in 2015, that provides $20 million for US companies to help improve industry awareness of national laboratory capabilities and provide small and mid-size businesses access to the resources available within the national laboratory system.