US EERE hosts informational webinar on $22M marine energy funding opportunity
The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) is issuing on behalf of the Water Power Technologies Office (WPTO) a prerecorded webinar to provide information to potential applicants on recent funding opportunity announcement.

On March 31, 2020, the US Water Power Technologies Office released a $22 million funding opportunity announcement (FOA) to leverage the expertise and intellectual capital of non-federal research institutions by supporting foundational research and development and expanded testing capacity to advance the marine energy industry.
The FOA titled, “Marine Energy Foundational Research and Testing Infrastructure,” presents an opportunity to continue building marine energy research capabilities at US non-federal research institutions and leverage their expertise to help the developing marine energy industry tackle complex scientific and technical problems.
A prerecorded informational webinar will be available on EERE Exchange for viewing on April 15.
In addition to describing the FOA in detail, information will be provided on who is eligible to apply, what an application needs to include, cost share and other requirements, how to ask questions, and how applications will be selected for funding.
Participation in the webinar is voluntary, and participating in or viewing the webinar provides no advantages or disadvantages with respect to the application evaluation process.