Seven most read offshore wind Premium articles in 2022

Business Developments & Projects

Updated on 1 February 2023: Our seven most read Premium articles from Offshore Wind were unlocked until 31 January. However, you can still read these and other Premium content by signing up for a yearly or monthly subscription. Or, if you are not already a subscriber, for a free two-week trial.

Illustration; Photo source: Seagreen Wind Energy Limited/Twitter

In 2022, some of our Offshore Energy – Offshore Wind articles from the Premium section gathered significant interest. Here, we are bringing seven of our Premium news from the offshore wind industry that were most read last year.

1. Danes talk 62 MW offshore wind turbines for North Sea Energy Island

In August 2022, the Danish Energy Agency (DEA) published documents as part of a public consultation process for the environmental assessment of the North Sea Energy Island, which contained information on the DEA also considering the possibility that wind turbines of up to 62 MW of nominal capacity per unit might be available in the (not so far) future. The DEA then confirmed this to our sibling news site

2. Italian company proposes to build 900+ MW floating wind farm with green hydrogen link

Among the many concession requests that the Italian authorities have received for the construction of offshore wind farms, an application has also been submitted by an Italian developer for a 900+ MW floating wind project that could use part of the electricity produced by the wind turbines for green hydrogen production.

3. Greece passes its first offshore wind bill

On 28 July 2022, the Greek Parliament passed a bill comprising regulations on the permitting of offshore wind projects and their development and operation, marking the country’s first legislative move on offshore wind energy.

4. Denmark could build its first and world’s largest floating wind farm; Project considers Power-to-X capabilities

In September, Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP) confirmed to our sibling news site that it had submitted an application for a gigawatt-scale floating wind farm near the island of Bornholm in the Baltic Sea. The project, which could also include Power-to-X (green hydrogen) capabilities, would be Denmark’s first and the world’s largest wind farm of this kind if approved to be built by 2027.

5. Brazil reviewing 55 offshore wind applications

By 20 April, Brazil’s Institute for the Environment and Natural Resources (IBAMA) had 55 applications on its desk, filed as part of the licensing process to obtain environmental investigation authorisation for offshore wind projects. While the number has now climbed to 71, the projects and developers listed in our previous article can give a fuller picture of the offshore wind momentum in Brazil and the interest from major European players.

6. TotalEnergies has multi-gigawatt offshore wind plans in Denmark

TotalEnergies is eyeing the development of a minimum of 1.3 GW and a maximum of around 5.8 GW of offshore wind capacity in Denmark across two projects for which the company submitted proposals to the Danish Energy Agency (DEA) earlier this year through the country’s “open door” scheme.

7. Spanish companies present plans for country’s largest floating wind farm

In January 2022, details emerged on BlueFloat Energy and Sener’s proposal for a floating wind farm in Spain, which entered the environmental assessment process at the Ministry for the Ecological Transition in November 2021. While the partners later issued updates related to the project, planned to have a capacity of 525 MW, this is only for the first phase of the planned development, called Nordes Floating Offshore Wind Farm. The entire project is proposed to have 1.2 GW and would be one of Spain’s largest offshore wind farms.

(You can access the rest of the Premium content through a free two-week trial, or monthly and yearly subscriptions.)