UK: Unequivocal Message from Scientific Community
Responding to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, (IPCC), Maf Smith, Deputy Chief Executive of RenewableUK, said:
“The scientific community is sending a clear and unequivocal message to policymakers that urgent action is needed to reduce our carbon emissions and set in place paths to create a future of clean, carbon reducing sources of energy if we are to reduce our negative impacts on our environment.”
“Wind has a vital role to play in this, given that as a result of wind power deployment in the UK we are reducing by 10 million tonnes every year the amount of carbon that we pump in to the atmosphere. This report shows that we cannot rest on our laurels though, we have to make sure that we hit our 2020 carbon reduction targets as well as looking beyond 2020 so we can create a decarbonised economy fit for the future.”
Press release, September 27, 2013; Image: Vattenfall