UK: Sterling Contracts Rig for South Cladhan Drilling

Business & Finance

Sterling Resources Ltd. has hired the Transocean Sedco 704 semi-submersible drilling rig to drill an exploration well in the South Cladhan area in UK North Sea Block 210/29c.

The rig is expected to arrive on location, east of Shetland Islands in March with the timing dependant on its current work program for Premier Oil. This will be the first well to be drilled in a channel system in this block which is due south of Sterling’s main Cladhan field in Blocks 210/29a and 210/30a.

The partnership in South Cladhan (Block 210/29c) is composed of Sterling, which as operator holds a 25 percent interest, Valiant Exploration Ltd. with a 30 percent interest, Wintershall UK North Sea Ltd. with a 25 percent interest and Agora Oil and Gas UK Ltd. with a 20 percent interest.

Offshore Energy Today Staff, February 21, 2012; Image: Transocean