UK: SE Welcomes Gamesa’s Plans for Leith

Authorities & Government

UK: SE Welcomes Gamesa's Plans for Leith

Scottish Enterprise has welcomed decision by Spanish wind turbine manufacturer Gamesa that it has chosen Leith as its preferred location for its new UK manufacturing plant.

 Scottish Enterprise chief executive, Lena Wilson, said: “Scotland’s strength in offshore wind is key to Gamesa’s decision to identify Leith as its preferred wind turbine manufacturing location. The inward investment proposition on offer is compelling and we are delighted that the company has confirmed it will create around 800 new jobs and invest a further 150 million euro in Scotland. Gamesa is leading the way in offshore wind and together with Scotland’s vast resources, skills and world-class research we have the opportunity to turn our low carbon ambitions into a reality.

 “We have worked very closely with Gamesa in recent months to create optimum conditions and look forward to continuing to support the company’s development plans which have the potential to deliver significant economic benefit for Scotland.”


Offshore WIND staff, March 27, 2012; Image: scottish-enterprise