UK Marine Energy Developer Enters Floating Wind Market

Business & Finance

Wave energy technology developer Marine Power Systems (MPS) is expanding into the floating offshore wind sector with two new devices said to offer a solution to wind energy generation challenges in deep waters.

UK Marine Energy Developer Enters Floating Wind Market
Illustration of WindSub/DualSub. (Source: MPS)

The UK company stated that R&D of its wave energy device WaveSub brought to the development of the DualSub device, which captures both wave and wind energy, and WindSub, which captures only wind energy.

According to MPS, initial tests of WaveSub’s stability in deep ocean water showed that it can be adapted to be a floating wind turbine and wave energy device in one.

The new devices have completed prototype stability tests, detailed computational simulation and cost of energy modeling, which have accelerated the development of WindSub and DualSub to a scaled up prototype to bring them to market readiness, MPS said.

“As we moved into the final stages of development for our WaveSub wave energy generation device, it became apparent that many of its features make it well suited to the needs of the floating offshore wind sector,” said Dr. Graham Foster, Chief Technical Officer at MPS.

“With extensive testing and computational modelling complete, we’re confident that our wind energy offerings, DualSub and WindSub can offer a market leading solution to the challenges of wind energy generation in deep water. This is a hugely exciting time for MPS and we look forward to further developing our offshore wind technologies alongside our WaveSub device during 2019.”

MPS believes DualSub and WindSub will open new areas of coastline in the UK where wind speeds are higher but water depth is greater and the installation of bottom-fixed wind turbines is expensive.

Read more about WaveSub on our sister site